Thursday 31 May 2012

How to be Perfect!

My Girlfriend Shirley sent this to me, I thought it was great and should be posted!

Excerpts from "How to be Perfect" by Ron Padgett

Get some sleep.
Eat an orange every morning.
Be friendly. It will help make you happy.
Hope for everything. Expect nothing.
Take care of things close to home first. Straighten up your room before you save the world. Then save the world.
Be nice to people before they have a chance to behave badly.
Don't stay angry about anything for more than a week, but don't forget what made you angry. Hold your anger out at arm's length
and look at it, as if it were a glass ball. Then add it to your glass ball collection.
Wear comfortable shoes.
Do not spend too much time with large groups of people.
Plan your day so you never have to rush.
Show your appreciation to people who do things for you, even if you have paid them, even if they do favors you don't want.
After dinner, wash the dishes.
Calm down.
Don't expect your children to love you, so they can, if they want to.
Don't be too self-critical or too self-congratulatory.
Don't think that progress exists. It doesn't.
Imagine what you would like to see happen, and then don't do anything to make it impossible.
Forgive your country every once in a while. If that is not possible, go to another one.
If you feel tired, rest.
Don't be depressed about growing older. It will make you feel even older. Which is depressing.
Do one thing at a time.
If you burn your finger, put ice on it immediately. If you bang your finger with a hammer, hold your hand in the air for 20
minutes. you will be surprised by the curative powers of ice and gravity.
Do not inhale smoke.
Take a deep breath.
Do not smart off to a policeman.
Be good.
Be honest with yourself, diplomatic with others.
Do not go crazy a lot. It's a waste of time.
Drink plenty of water. When asked what you would like to drink, say, "Water, please."
Take out the trash.
Love life.
Use exact change.
When there's shooting in the street, don't go near the window.
Excerpts from "How to be Perfect" by Ron Padgett, from How to be Perfect. ©
Coffee House Press, 2007. Reprinted with permission.

Monday 28 May 2012

A New Grandson!

Grandchildren.......................nothing like the birth of a new grandchild to remind you just how wonderful life is!

 Our New Grandson:          Dale Fisher Lewington
                                           Born:  May 23, 2012
                                           8lbs 13 oz

 Proud Parents:                   Trevor & Michelle

Big Brother:                        Graeme

Exta Proud Grandparents:   That would be us!

Meet Little Dale - A Beautiful Little Boy

This Bud Wasn't for Us!

Over the weekend we were anticipating Hurricane Bud.  Watching it closely as it moved from the Pacific heading straight for the West coast of Mexico and right in line with where we live.  We were not worried about a hurricane here as we are about 3 hours driving time inland from the coast and on the other side of the mountains.   But we were expecting rain and wind.  We headed to the grocery store and stocked up on a few things to take us thru the weekend weather.  Well, it was a rain, no wind, nothing, nada.  It is scorching hot here righ now and the rainy weekend would have been wonderful!  Hurricane Bud caused no major damage to the area and weakened from a Catagory 3 Hurricane to a Catagory 2, then weakened again to a tropical storm.
Guess we'll just have to wait for our rainy season to begin mid June.  And they are forecasting this years rainy season to be a doozie!  Bring it on..............

This Bud Wasn't For Us!

Saturday 19 May 2012


My post today is about a monster.  A giant, cruel monster that lives inside my sister Janice.
Janice developed M.S. at a very young age -  in her early 20's.  This monster grabbed a hold of her and wouldn't let go.  Every day, every minute Janice has had to live with this monster.  After almost 25 years, my sister is in grave health.  As her health continues to decline and her body slowly gives into the monster........... Janice never complains, always has a smile ...........all we can do is pray for her and hope that someday they find a cure for the Monster M.S.  
I am worried about my sister as I write this short post today from Mexico.
God Bless Janice.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Little Ones

Grandchildren..............what a blessing!  I am fortunate to have 4 of these marvalous creatures and a new one on the way!  Their innocense is remarkable and their happiness shines in all that they do.
How wonderful to be a grandmother.  It is truly a blessing from the universe, a pay back in life after raising your own children.  As a grandmother you are not required to stay up all night with sickness or feedings, you don't have to worry about how to dicipline, you only give love, read stories and tell these special little people how very perfect they are and how much they are loved.  It's funny that those things your kids did that got on your nerves seem so cute when your grandchildren do them!

I love my new life here in Mexico and after one year here now I have made wonderful new friends and have experienced great things since living here - I have grown as a person and see it and feel it in my daily life that is now so very much different that it was in Canada.  But..............I miss my little grandchildren, I miss going to their school events, seeing their happy little faces as they come over with Mommy & Daddy just for a cup of coffee or a family dinner.  I always look so forward with the excitement of a child when I know a visit is on the calandar ...............Hurry up October - Grama needs a hug.xo


Monday 7 May 2012

Posted Image
The Cicada, or "Rainbird"is alive and well once again this year.  It's calls are the loudest on the hottest days.... just before the rains start in Mexico.

June 13th  is the oficial start of our rainy season here.

The Cicada, an insect with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. There are about 2,500 species of cicada around the world, and many remain unclassified. Cicadas live in temperate to tropical climates where they are among the most widely recognized of all insects, mainly due to their large size and remarkable acoustic talents.

Cicada song

Male cicadas have loud noisemakers called "timbals" on the sides of the abdominal base.  They create a loud whining humming sound and make  their noise by wiggling their abdomens toward and away from the tree that they are on. Each species has its own distinctive song.
The "RainBirds" are singing this morning as I write this post.  6 weeks till the rains begin - hurray! - it's hot and very dry here now and the rains will be welcomed with open arms!

Sunday 6 May 2012

My Girls

As Mothers Day approaches I've been thinking alot about this special day.  It unites us as women all across the globe.  My two daughters Angie and Michelle are both "Moms" and that makes it  an extra special day!  To see my own daughters become great Mothers is a joy that touches the deepest part of my heart.  Wonderful memories of their cherished childhood times come flooding back -   The joy experienced from watching them grow into well rounded, respectful and happy adult women is something that as Mothers  we take great pride in.  I believe there is no stronger bond than that of a mother towards her child.  No matter how old, no matter  how far, no matter what happens in life - these are our children, the ones from our own flesh and blood that remain in our hearts each and every day of our lives ...............for the rest of our lives.............for always!

Happy Mothers Day to my Beautiful Daughters!