Monday 15 August 2011

A Day Trip to Tonala!

Tonola is a suburb of Guadalajara and is 40 minutes from where we live.  It is a shoppers paradise featuring tons and tons of beautiful handcrafted Mexican wares.  Hand blown glass shops, copper shops, home furnishings, ceramics, clay planters etc.  There are so many stores you could not possibly see them all in one day - maybe not even over a weekend! 
We went to Tonala with our friends Wess & Marty for the day and bought alot of nice things for our place - super inexpensive and unique. 
Here is a you tube video that I found online that gives you a little overview of the lovely place.
I can't wait to go back.  We shopped till we dropped. 
When you come to visit, a trip to Tonala is definately in order!  Fun, Fun, Fun..............

Thursday 4 August 2011

Creepy Crawlers..............

When Greg and I decided to move to Mexico, one thing immediately caught our attention and concern.  Not the crime stats, not the healthcare, no, for us it was all those creepy crawlers that live well in Mexico.  We're not talking about regular insects, we're talking about the scary ones..............
Scorpions, Cockroaches, Black Widow Spinders, Rattlesnacks.   We are well accustomed to mosquitos, ticks and the dreaded Black Flies...............but this was going to be different, these could kill you!
We listened carefully to the advice of our expat friends.............Never go barefeet, not even in the house, keep bedsheets and blanket up off the floors, use this product or that product on your floors, but the one tip suggested time and time again was "Be sure to use plastic drain covers on all your drains when not in use.:  We did all of the above.
One morning I decided to take a bath instead of the usual fast shower.  I had bought myself some lovely coconut foam bath and was anticipating a nice long soak.  I opened up the tub/shower door and reached down to pour in my my shock, there was a very healthy scorpion sitting on the drain - tail pointed straight up!  Well, that was the end of the nice relaxing soak .  Screeching, I call Greg.  We're both standing there looking at the thing not knowing how these things move.  Will it jump?  Do they move fast?  Can it fly?  Yeesh.............. After a few minutes we decided the best thing to do was to go get one of Greg's Size 13 sneakers.  Success!
We haven't had a further close call but we do see them around from time to time.  We were concerned for the dogs being outside so much.  Our vet recommended that we keep a vile of anti-serum (complete with syringe!) in the fridge to allow us to administer a quick needle in the event of a sting.   We have the same thing for ourselves.  Most of the scorpions here are small and we are told will not kill you.  They leave a very painful sting and of course for those of us who are allergic to bee stings, this can cause a problem.  The Red Cross phone number sits beside the phone - just in case!
  Our newest little addition "Bella" is a scorpion hunter.  The other day on the front porch Bella begins to bark looking directly at the corner.  Not her usual bark, this one was an alert bark.  You guessed it, there it was on the floor - a scorpion!  Size 13's again fixed the problem.
We now have the outside of our home, around the perimeter sprayed monthly - we're told that this will elliminate the little monsters from coming indoors.
And to think that I use to be afraid of the Little Brown Mice we had visiting us on Black Lake!!

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Over the past couple of days both Greg and I have had some stomach complaints - okay it's been over 2 months in Mexico and we have been waiting for this!  Nothing extremely serious, just plain old "Mexican Stuff".  If you've been here, you know what I'm referring to.
Today (Wednesday) is garbage day.  As Greg is down at the gate putting it to the street, our Mexican Neighbours Maid saunters across the street to chat with Greg.  She is in her PJ's (cute flannel ones) and after a little morning neighbor chat she leaves.
Not long after, our doorbell at the gate rings, there she is (still in PJ's) with a large pot of brewed homeade herbal (majic) tea in her hand.  She explains (in spanish) that it is the remedy for what is ailing us both.   As we sit here drinking the pot of tea, we again are reminded of the kindness and helpfullness of the Mexican people. 
We hope a second pot won't be necessary!!

Monday 1 August 2011

Espanol.............Por Favor!

Each day our Spanish improves...........we now can effectively communicate with our gardener Juan and our weekly cleaning lady Maria.  What began as sign language has now become daily exchanges of basic communication.  Although we stumble with putting together complete sentences, both Juan and Maria seem to understand what we are trying to say.  Every now and then they begin laughing when we mistakenly use an incorrect word. I think they applaud our efforts!   Here are just a few of the words we use on a daily basis.............

*Basura - garbage
* Hasta Luego - see you later
* Mucho Mahor - big job
* Poco, Poco - little by little
* Paintura - painting
* Jardin - garden
* Mucho Deneros - alot of money
*  Plantas - plants
*  Auga - water
*  Mucho Calor - very hot
*  Juvia - Rain
*  Bano - bathroom
*  Libramento -  highway
*  mas  - alot
*  grande - large
*  especial - special
*  necessario - necessary
* muerto - dead
*  hoy - today
* ahorrar - save
*cafe solo - black coffee
*  poco cafe por favor - a little more coffee please!
* de nada - you're welcome (or "don't mention it")
*  Pollio - chicken
*Pierro - dog
*vente - for sale
*renta - for rent
* amigo - friend (male)
* amiga - (friend female)
* bien trabajo - good job

That's it for todays post!  Love you all...........

The Great Wall of, I mean The Great Wall of Chapala......

Well, it's been a few very weeks of outdoor projects here  at Casa Blanco.............
It all started with Greg & I deciding to cut back some of the wild jasmine trees that bordered our back property.  This stuff had literally taken over a good deal of our property.  After cutting alot of it back we saw what was left of a decripid chain link fence - half fallen over from the weight of these humungous plants.  So, it began.  We decided to remove all of it and build a solid brick wall across the back.  The thing is huge - looks great and is now complete.   We had a team of between 6 to 9 local guys here who were happy to have the work.  We also decided to replace and or repair all of the broken sidewalks and patio's that surround our place.  (remember, we bought a fixer-upper!!)  And the work began.  It's been wonderful  to see the skilled larbors going about their craft.  The work is now complete and we are thrilled with the results, especially the very cost of the project.  We've supplied Cokes, snacks and  special lunches for the guys on Fridays.  These are hard working men/boys.  They begin each day here at 8 am and finish for the day at  6 pm Monday to Friday.  Saturdays are working days for the Mexicans - 8am - 2 pm.  Sundays are their only days off and as I've said before - Family Day!
Here's the team!  I had to bribe them with ice cold cokes and chips in order to get them together for a group shot!   A couple pics of the "Great Wall of Chapala!"
Stay Tuned, and thanks for reading our blog!