Saturday 25 June 2011

Prayers Needed!

Just before we left Canada we noticed a golf ball size lump on our golden retriever Wookie's left side.  We consulted with our vet in Rockwood and he advised us to "just go to Mexico and deal with it there"as Wookie required an international health certificate stating he was in excellent health.
Since we have been here, the lump has grown - we have consulted with two different vets here who have both come highly recommended to us by friends.  After the first consultation, vet #1 told us that he was pretty sure it was a form of cancer and that surgery should be done to remove the mass.  We decided on a second opinion.  Vet #2 also was certain that it was a form of cancer, however he has suggested a different approach.  He administered a mega shot of anti-inflamatory and a mega shot of anti-biotics.  Wookie goes back in on Monday afternoon for a biopsy of the tissue.  He will be put under for this proceedure.  Once the results are back from the lab, we will then know have to decide on how to proceed.  Chemo will be an option if the cancer (either mast cell tumor or lymphoma) has not spread to other organs. We will do whatever is best for Wookie.
To say I write this with a heavy heart is an understatment.  Both Greg and I are terribly upset but we are both trying to keep positive until the test results are presented. 
Apparently, both these types of cancer are common in Golden Retrievers and tend to show up around 7 years of age.  Wookie will be 7 in September.
Please say a little prayer for our "best pal" - our "job dog" (his nickname)
Will keep you all posted...........

Thursday 23 June 2011

The Rains Have Begun!

The rainy season is now upon us.  Torrential downpours yesterday and again today!  With the dried out soil and crispy mountains, the rains are a welcome treat.  The weather has been hot since we have been here and now that the rains have begun, the tempurature has dropped to a comfortable level.  June was extremely hot - it took a little getting us to coming from the cool temperatures back home in May.
Nevertheless, we have adjusted and so have the hounds.  Lots and Lots of shedding going on around here as the dogs rid themselves of all the undercoats! 
We`ve been busy with projects in our yard.  Had an arborist here to prune and trim all the large mature trees that had been without attention for years and we`re taking over our yard.  A 60 foot palm tree in the back required the guy to climb to the top (with ropes of course) and remove all the dead palms that had accumulated over the years.  Three truckloads of debris was removed!  It was most intersting watching how it was done. 
Well, now for the latest news.............before I tell you, I know you will think that we have now completely lost our minds...........but here goes.
Our Mexican neighbour, an elderly lady named Rosa stopped in to introduce herself a few weeks ago.  Last Saturday she returned and was visibly upset.  She explained that her sister had taken ill and that she was required to go to Guadaljara 3 times a week and assist her sick sister.  Rosa owns a little one year old black cocker spaniel and was upset to have to find the little girl a new home since she was now not in a position to keep her.  She asked us if we would consider taking her and giving her a home here.  Well, you guessed it...............Her name is Bella (was Princess but we changed it!)
and she is a great little girl and is getting along with the rest of the pack just great.  That is it, no more dogs - -  even if a stray one shows up at our gate with hundred dollar bills attached to it`s collar!
The other news is that we have just purchased a Mexican car - a older model Nissan Maxima that is by all standards a beater!  Mechanically sound but lots of scratches and dents!  Perfect for driving around town where the streets are mostly cobblestone and quite narrow.  I have yet to drive since we have been here since the Van is too big for my comfort level.  Now that we have this little beater - I must push myself to get out alone and brave the crazy Mexican drivers!  Red lights and stop signs are really just suggestions to these folks - they are aggressive drivers and think nothing of passing on a hilly mountain road with a solid line!  Another thing that is interesting............our friends told us to be very careful when approaching a pedistrian crossing.  Pedistrians DO NOT have the right away in Mexico.  Alot of gringos when they first arrive here will stop to let the people cross and find  themselves rear ended in no time. 
A very different culture here, we are loving every minute of it!
Here`s Bella with Newman.

Friday 17 June 2011

Immigration Day Today

Well, it's been 5 weeks since we left Canada.  We are quickly settling into life here in Chapala.  Today we went down to the immigration office and completed the process in order to obtain our resident visas.  These are called "no immigrato" which means we are permant residents of Mexico but not immigrants?  We must renew these each year and must provide immigration with a copy of our bank statements showing we have adequate money deposited each month into our account in order to live here.  For two people the amount required by Mexican law is about $1200 per month. 
We've been busy doing small projects around the casa.  Had a water purification system installed so we now have purified water throughout the house.   We have installed a generator which will allow us to have power throughout the house when the power goes out.  We also had to install a voltage regulator for the house as the electricity currents here are always changing and surging.  Don't want to fry our electronic items - they are super expensive to purchase here.
We ventured into Guadaljara yesterday with friends of ours and made a bee line to Costco!  Yes, we even have a Costco here  - about 40 minutes away.  It was refereshing to see all the usual goodies Costco is known for and we felt that we were back in Canada.   Our pantry and freezer are now stocked up.  Yeah!
The local markets (mercado's) here are wonderful with a large assortments of fresh veggies and fruit.
A full bag of produce (and I mean full!) cost us less than $4.  I think we will appreciate it even more come February of next year. 
We are loving our new home here in Mexico and are planning on doing a few day trips soon.
Will report more about the adventures later.
Hasta Luego (see ya later!)
The Blanco's!