Friday 18 November 2011

Planting and Christmas Decor!

I haven't blogged in awhile.  Been busy.  After a great visit back home with my family, I'm back here in sunny Mexico.  A strange day yesterday...............we have just completed putting in a new garden bed across the back of our property.   Spent the moring  planting palm trees and other exotic greenery, pruning the many 7' high poinscetita bushes around our yard.  After that was finished, I suddenly felt Christmasy and moved my efforts inside.  Dragged out the Christmas ornaments from the garage and proceeded to decorate the house.  Lights, Santas,'s all up.
Feels very wierd to be gardening one minute in 75 degree weather and putting up little Santas and Snowman the next!
Christmas in Mexico will be a new experience for sure!  I couldn't help going on the weather network website this morning to check out the temps back home.  I see Gravenhurst is having it's first blast of the nasty stuff!  Won't be missing that!!
All for now