Saturday 2 February 2013

Crazy Hats.................

We had decided to have our second annual New Years Day get together here but opted to postpone it as Ty & Jess were going to be here visiting. We set a new date for late January. People are so busy over the holidays anyways. We racked our brains trying to think of a way we could make our party something different and fun. After much thought, we decided on a "Crazy Hat Party."

A few months back we headed out to our local ice-cream shop for a couple cones. When we approached the outside bench in front of the shop, there was sitting a large ladies wallet - stuffed full of money, credit cards, id, healthcare cards etc. There was not a sole around................... Tucked the wallet into our jeans.............

After finishing our cones, got into the car and proceeded to look in the wallet for info on the owner.
We could not find a phone number but did find an address. So, out of the glove box comes the map of Chapala and we locate the house. Turns out the wallet belongs to a young Mexican lady who had been out shopping with her little girl earlier that day. They had stopped in for a ice cream cone and somehow the wallet  ended up on that bench. The young lady was sooo grateful to have it returned to her. When we arrived at her home, her mother was there and told us Claudia was out frantically retracing her stops in hopes of locating her wallet.  We waited for Claudia to arrive home  - she began to cry seeing her wallet in my hand.  With big hugs and kisses she told me she was a fashion designer and she insisted that she make me a beautiful party dress no charge. I refused telling her it was my pleasure to have returned her wallet to her. She kept calling me insisting she do something for us to repay the favour. Here in Mexico, this is a big part of the culture and I came to find out that I was actually insulting her by not taking her up on her offer.

So, once we had decided on the theme for our party, I called Claudia and asked her if she would make us a couple of crazy hats. She was delighted!  The party was a hit and all 30 came sporting their creative inventions.
Will need to come up with another good idea for next years event!

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