Sunday 2 September 2012

Labour Day

Labour Day In Mexico - is May 1st!

While researching Labor Day in Mexico I ran across some interesting facts that I didn’t know as to the origin of this holiday. In Canada we celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September. What I discovered most interesting is that May 1st, Labor Day origination was heavily influenced by two things. The first was the passing of a resolution at the Organized Trades and Labor Unions for Canada as well as the United States and that basically set forth the 8 hour work day.

The second event was the Haymarket riot on May 4th 1886 in Chicago. This riot was between the working and business class and to this day, the cause is still disputed. While researching in Wkipidepia Internet encyclopedia they refer to this event as having been an important factor in creating International May Day. There was a peaceful rally of 3000 held in Chicago until late in the evening while during the process of the police trying to disburse the crowd someone threw a bomb killing several policeman immediately. At this point the police began shooting and many workers, innocents and police were injured.
Members of Mexican workers unions burn an effigy representing politicians during a protest march in Mexico City, May 1, 2006.
Mexico has had its share of protest on this day such as last year May 1st thousands thronged to the Zócalo (town center) of Mexico City to protest labor laws and reminded the President that  the unions are still here and they are angry. More than 90,000 workers showed up lead by many union leaders to express their dissatisfaction.
Very few Mexicans are even aware why they have the day off. Some of the locals I asked here thought  it might have something to do with the workers but very few even tried to guess as to what the history of the holiday was for but were of course ready to take the day of rest which really translates to fiesta. The history of May 1st being a workers holiday did not originate in Mexico, the origin came from the US.

We think about our past Labor Day weekends spent at our cottage on Black Lake.  Reflecting and remembering all the years of "that final summer weekend".  Sitting down by the lake looking at the long dock and boat that we know should come out now.  The kids use to say - Ahh Dad but it's still feels like summer.  Greg would hum and say, "Yeah today it does but next week, who knows!"
So, out the dock and boat would come (usually) and the preparations would begin for fall. 

This Labor Day we will spend the afternoon at a neighborhood BBQ enjoying our new friends and no heavy Labor will be involved!

Happy Long Weekend Everybody Back Home, Happy Fall!


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